Tuesday 23 January 2024

Why was the Gospel according to Luke included in the New Testament?


Pham D. P. (2015)

The Gospel according to Luke was included in the New Testament because it describes the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. It was written by Luke, Gentile physician and a travelling companion of Paul. The Early Church was concerned about reliability and accuracy of the authors since there were many false Gospels in circulation in biblical Palestine. In this unit, we shall look at the authorship of the Gospel, as well as the sources that Luke used to write the Gospel. This will help us understand why the leaders of the Early Church decided to include this Gospel in the New Testament.

Pham. D. P. (11 November 2015). Synoptic Gospels-Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, Vietnamese, Carrollton-11/4/ & 11/11. Accesses date: 23 January 2024 https://www.cathdal.org/catechetical-calendar-viewdetails?id=2670&recurrence_number=1

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