Friday 27 May 2022

A Lesson Plan for a Live Online Lesson (For Certificate in Online Teaching for Educators)


Course Instructor’s name

Bongani Mhlanga


Introduction to Computers


28 May 2022


Different times schedules from 10am to 5pm


Computer Storage

Lesson Title

Storage devices


IDE Year 1 semester 1

Lesson Duration

 40 minutes

Video-conferencing platform

Zoom Cloud Meeting

Prior knowledge/skills expected/assumed from the learners

-Know how to use gadgets for communication purposes.

-Have general understanding of Zoom Cloud Meeting.

-Know basic computer storages.

Lesson Objectives; By the end of the lessons the learner should be able to;



-Define computer storage.

-List at least 5 removable storage devices.

-List at least 2 non-removable storage devices.

-Explain the functions of a computer storage.

Teaching/Learning  Approaches:


-Group presentations

-Question and answer.

-Discovery learning.

-Classroom discussions.

Teaching/Learning Aids:


-Zoom App

-Pictures and short video clips of storage devices

-PowerPoint presentation

Course Instructor Preparation:

-Schedule and send Zoom meeting’s link to all the learner’s different groups prior to the actual date.

-Make sure that there is no clashing of scheduled times for the groups and short breaks between presentation.

-Network stability and fully charge gadget before meeting.

-Arrange with leaners about the most appropriate time for all presenting groups.

Lesson Development (timed steps and activities):

-5min (logging in) All learners

-3min (instruction and expectations) Facilitator

-10min (presentations by groups) Participating group

-2min (comments and observations) Facilitator

-5min (question and answer session) All learners

-3min (points emphasis and summary) Facilitator

-7min (assessment) Learners


Course Instructor Activities

Learner Activities


Accepting learners to the meeting

Learners are joining Zoom meeting


-Phone memory is full message on my phone, what could be possible problems with my phone and how can it be fixed?

-Introduce today’s topic.

-State instructions and expectations.

-Learners respond to the question that its storage is full and needs formatting or inserting a memory card for storage.

Body (with at least three steps – indicating active learning from learners)

Step 1 - Groups present their work using screen sharing their PowerPoint presentations.

-Defining computer storage.


-Explain and list examples of internal storage and external storage.













-Explain functions of a computer storage.



Step 2 – Facilitator’s comments on the presentations


Step 3 – Question and answer/comments from learners.

-Storage is a process through which digital data is saved within a data storage device by means of computing technology.


-Removable storage is that which can be removed from the computer after storing data to it.

-Internal storage is that which cannot be removed from the computer.

-Examples of internal storage include hard drive (HD), Read Only Memory (ROM), Random Access Memory (RAM)

-Examples of external storage include flash drive, compatible disk drive (CD), phone, digital video display drive (DVD)

-Computer storage stores processed data temporarily or permanently.


-Learners take notes of facilitators comments.



-Students make comments and are given the opportunity to ask questions where they need clarity.


-Facilitator emphasise the definition of storage.

-Emphasise the meaning of internal and external storage with examples and the function of computer storage.

-Students take notes

Assessment tasks

Facilitator instruct students to write responses to the following questions on the comments box:

*What is your definition of a computer storage?

*What is the function of a computer storage?

*Write 2 examples of internal and external storage.


Thank the learners for the presentations and efforts made and encourage peer learning.

Take home tasks

In groups of 4, write the importance of storage to a computer device using Google Docs.

Submit (after the approval of the facilitator) via WhatsApp or email as PDF


Lesson Evaluation (Strengths/Weaknesses)

-Technical problems like network and data during presentation.

-Flexible schedule time for each and every group’s presentation.


COTE Certificate handover by Professor J. Thwala and Professor Karen Ferreira Meyers

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