Tuesday 19 March 2019


Lesson Plan
Class: F1                                                                         
Subject: Religious Education
Date: 02/03/18
Duration: 80 minutes
Lesson Topic: The Holy Bible
Sub-topic: The Structure of the bible
Previous knowledge: General Bible knowledge

Lesson objectives:
By the end of the lesson students should be able to do the following:
1.      Define the term bible
2.      Outline the structure of the bible
3.      Describe the different type of literature found in the bible
4.      Describe how Christians use the holy bible during worship
5.      Explain the importance of the bible in day to day life

Teaching and Learning Aids or Resources
1.      Pupils text book
2.      The Bible ( Revised Standard Version )
3.      Dictionary
4.      Handouts showing the structure and literature found in the Bible
5.      Chats and markers

Teaching Methods
1.      Question and answer
2.      Guided discovery
3.      Whole class discussion
4.      Group discussion
5.      Lecture

and time
Teacher’s activity
Learner’s Activity
Teaching Material
The teacher comes to class carrying the Holy Bible and asks learners their general understanding of the Holy Bible. Learners work in groups of 4-5
Learners respond to the question per group:
Expected responses:
·         A book for preaching
·         A Holy Book
·         A big book with Old and New Testaments
Charts and markers per group to write their responses.

Step 1

(5 min)
The meaning of the word Bible
The teacher asks learners to define the word Bible
Learners respond to the question using the helps of dictionaries.
Expected responses:
·         A collection of many books
·         A Holy Book for Christians

Step 2
Outline of the structure
The teacher asks learners to outline the structure of the Bible
Learners respond to the question.
Expected responses:
·         Old Testament
·         New Testament

The Bible
Step 3
Description of different types of literature
The teacher asks learners to work in groups and describe the different types of literature in the Holy Bible with examples.

The teacher adds by clarifying the differences in Prophets (Former, Later, Major and Minor Prophets and Writings by writing on the board) and asks learner to categorize the books
Learners work in groups and present their descriptions.
Expected responses:
·         Law (Genesis)
·         Prophets (Isaiah)
·         Writings (Psalms)
·         Gospels (Matthew)
·         Letters (Romans)
·         Apocalyptic (Revelations)

Learners takes some notes and ads with examples for each.
Former Prophets (Joshua and Judges)
Major Prophets (Isaiah and Jeremiah)
Minor Prophets (Joel, Micah, Habakkuk and Malachi)

Poetry (Psalms)
Wisdom literature (Proverbs)
Historical Literature (Ezra, Nehemiah)
Apocalyptic (Daniel)
Festival scroll (Ester)
The Hand out showing different literature found in the Holy Bible and the Bible.

The Bible
The Board
Pupils book
Step 4
Description of the use of the Holy Bible
The teacher ask learners to engage in a class discussion about the use of the Bible during worship
Learners respond to the question
Expected responses:
·         Preaching
·         Correcting each other

Step 5
Explain the importance of the Holy Bible in the day to day life of Christians
In their groups of 4-5, the teacher ask learners to write on chats the importance of the Holy Bible to Christians and present their findings.
Learners work on their groups and write their responses on chats and present it to the class
Expected responses:
·         It is an authoritative book
·         Helps for guidance and direction
·         Prepares them for the heaven
·         Chat and marker
·         The Bible for reference with scriptures
·         Pupil’s book
(10 min)
The teacher gives learners a classwork.
1.      Define the word Bible
2.      The structure of the Bible
3.      The authority of the Bible
4.      Its use in Christian life and worship
Learners write the classwork
Expected responses:
1.      A collection of books
2.      Formed of the Old and New Testament (Law, Prophets, Writings, Gospels, History, Letters, Apocalyptic)
3.      Guides and directs Christians in their day to day lives.

(5 min)

Ask the whole class what we learnt in today’s lesson
Learners respond to the question.
Expected responses:
·         Learnt about the Bible
·         It is a collection of books
·         A Holy and authoritative book for guidance in Christianity

Lesson evaluation_______________________________________________________________

Personal evaluation______________________________________________________________

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